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Why Study Game Design at Clark?

We are a powerhouse in game design and technology. The Princeton Review ranks our undergraduate Game Design program No. 3 in the world and our Master of Fine Arts program No. 7.

The Princeton Review: Top Game Design Programs 2023

Gain the skills you need to enter high-growth fields in interactive media and build a successful career in a rapidly changing technology industry. We are accepting applications for Fall 2025. Apply today.

Gain Skills and Experience

Become part of our Game Studio, a real-world studio environment where you can produce publishable properties before you even graduate.

Students with VR set

Interactive Media B.A.

The No. 3-ranked Interactive Media/Game Design and Development program offers eight tracks — 3D Art, 2D Art, Audio, Programming, Production, Writing, UI/UX, and Design Your Own — which each lead to a bachelor of arts.

professor in front of design board

MFA Program

Clark’s No. 7-ranked Master of Fine Arts program allows you to customize your graduate learning experience while you fully explore your passion for interactive media through our innovative studio-based curriculum. This gives you access to real hands-on experience while you follow your own vision to design and develop an advanced thesis project.

Student designing character model

4+1 B.A./MFA in Interactive Media

Enroll in the B.A. in Interactive Media/Game Design and Development program, then add a fifth year of study to earn an MFA.

Woman in VR cla

Careers and Internships

Whether you are pursuing a bachelor’s degree, an MFA, or both (through our 4+1 program), you will be well-prepared for a career in the $160 billion interactive media industry.

Meet Our Leaders and Faculty

Contact Information

Becker School of Design & Technology at Clark University

Office Location